Epiphany's share?
Intimate as we are, with roles
Aided by virtue and silence of norms, to care...
Sweet epitomy, has a snare for what doles...
Charisma under the tomorrow allowed
Weal we fathom, with a begging truth
Stares of poignancy, to reserve honesty as how
Lucre in the limelight, in inclined past's, youth?
Wretched, and forced to claim a tooth?
Well to know, with dour reality to silence?
For a gesture in rises and fall's, the common couth
With added consensus, the problems of vice and imagination
Told to yearning, for a somber salute to needs
Are we the stilled same, taken to reason's form's?
To enlighten, a shrewdness, for a climate we heed
With particular gains and fames, of what is many more...
Kisses with a reserve, for what toil's ahead...
Turn's of happenstance, into a livid could
Courage and predicament to assure, we are met
By the stead and stint of cares, that were jealousy rued...
Bell's and epistles, seclusion with again, to tell a story
Fewer in fear, than a call to avarice, has avidity?
Patience, and tumult, we will know is a condition hoary
With a realm to its might, many more known than what is, being
Tradition, and the envy of disciplines
Among the notion of innocence, until a heart is wrong
About the silence of divorce we have seen, begin meaning
A risking home, to suggest even the day can go all along?