Energize with Fuel If you want huge biceps Remember there is a training concept The muscles grow through Nutrition and weights The key is PROTEIN This is where the muscles become lean The development coming in stages It is a maneuvering approach Without the weights and food, you will be no stronger than roach If Bodybuilding and or Competition where you want to go Then up the rhythm in intensity being the flow But increase the nutrition if you want your muscles to show But I must continue to emphasize that nutrition plays the role in giving your muscles shape You do not want to come off looking like a Fat Ape You want muscles that are strong, and a physique that stands out Especially if you are competing in a Bodybuilding Contest, you to hear the audience encouragement as you pose Nutrition is a suppose It’s that nutrition that gives the protein muscles strength It’s also every training routine in intervals with endurance at great length So if your muscles have caught your attention in feed me It’s the muscles you want to see It’s conditioning the way the muscles should be It’s Protein making the muscles possible It’s determination showing you the way If you don’t want muscles that too is ok Yet you must have a determination being any fitness goal The tempo was be absolutely slow Remember, “You must feed the muscles in order for muscles to develop” So fitness on with nutrition along Watch as your body takes shape Also remember, it all happened from the nutrition you ate.