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Jun 2019
I carried your love with me
through the beautiful oceans
and waves, smiled as I stared
at the seabirds nearby the shore,
their sweet existence a symbol
of your perfect masterpiece,
exuberant trees and leaves
bursting with radiance, sublime
beach houses rising grand
and glorious over stylish
scenery.  I could see your
illuminating appearance
in the sparkly sand, so vibrant,
so handsome, deep hues
of brown revolving around
your star-crystal canvas.
Thick lips I dreamed of kissing,
to feel with my fingers,
deep lines seeping inside
of me – soft, smooth,
a sky-high guiding me
towards gleaming climaxes,
as I imagined the trunk
of your arms enveloping
my waist, soulful, silvery
beats leaving me rapt,
hypnotized, moonstruck.
Your brilliant body shined
like sapphires, carved across
the sky, bridges of bone I loved,
wanting to sink my teeth
inside of, feel the drumbeats
rise and fall into my flesh.
you were my dream escape,
a soothing melody of heavenly
ignitions intensifying into incredible
mazes, arithmetic equations I could
embrace, the wheels of your engine
a gentle rhythm circling
inside my heart, a grand rising
mountain lifting me up in the
horizon, taking me towards
spellbinding kingdoms.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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