Happy Father’s Day to all However some covering both roles It’s about taking responsibility and raising the child No matter how busy with schedules while Being a Father is what it is all about Its commitment and your child’s problems out You thought to yourself, you could never be a DAD But look, a portion of you being your own Male Lad Then you thought you wanted a Boy, but got a Girl Either way, your heart just swirled But becoming a Parent it didn’t matter as long that you had a healthy baby You played the Parenting Dad well Everyone you come in contact with gives you inspiration in tell You love your Son and Daughter in admiration But we all know it is all in appreciation Before you know it, your children will be off to College or their Wedding Day But you will have plenty of words to say, “I AM HAPPY HOW YOUR TURNED OUT, BUT HAPPY TO BE YOUR DAD, GRANDDAD OR GODFATHER, HAPPY TO CONSIDERED TO BE YOUR DAD IS WHAT YOU WILL BE TALKING ABOUT” Happy Father’s Day There’s no more I need to say.