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Feb 2013
Somethings in life is just a symbol.
All the power they process is run by others.
The Pope is the symbol of  faith.
But anything, he propose is control by other voices.

Similar to the Queen of many countries.
Where the Prime Ministers makes the powerful decisions?

We notice the symbols most in beauty pageants.
Where the women are required to act under certain provisions?
And any controversial move create a demotion.

It's strange.
It's true that many we think would be the most powerful.
Are just there for the people.

Parents seems to be more stronger to make decisions of their own.
And yes, parents operate under certain restriction.
But nothing more than the positional symbols.
It's better to president.
Where you can veto proposals of Congress?
If they refuses to agree half way.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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