I don't wanna write about roses red violets blue I want to write about something unique something new, just like everyone else, so they say. Everyone wants to be different. There's over 7 billion people in this world. Were all merely clones. Even with this over- populated planet we live in, it's just so funny to me how one person can feel so alone. Standing in a crowd, listening to them all laugh and carry on watch as life goes on. I don't want to be part of a show, I don't want fame, but I'll completely take the blame. I would like to live my life like the sun. Gleaming by day and resting by night, but always there, safe and sound to come back the next day and light up the world again. Maybe that's all that we need in life, some music, love, and sunshine, and everyone will be just fine. Maybe this persistent loneliness I try to chase away, asking why, then maybe I won't be so shy and take a bow and blow all this a kiss goodbye.