heather why did you come at this time, in the midst of all the cacophonous panic? forgiveness aside, i know you're lifting lids from my third eye, a gift you always had in life, you still share selflessly from the other side.
heather why did you leave so ripe, in the mist of a summer's moonset cultivating cold? all my guilt creates blockages, it cannot fit inside me, it sits instead as a crown in a place from which you would pluck out both horns and halos, and toss them while laughing, into the stillness of the sound.
i know these false records and moon shifting memories are not all i am left with. last night when you laughed, it relieved some of the pressure, but many times i've seen you laugh when you were sad, so how do i pull this fringe all together?
heather why did i ignore you for so long? was it just so the scale could tip now, or are there signals in the circles of the ripples that rebirthed you?