The Good Thing With *** After Eighty (a metaphor only)
The good thing with *** after eighty Is that it’s never flighty, Never to be taken lightly Although playful to the fullest.
Having age’s benefits, which far from few, The very slowness giving each and every feeling newness Of a you-ness never felt in springtime’s days: Rediscovered in a hundred lovely, treasured ways.
Yeah, yeah, one reads the lists: This, that and fists of facts: The thin, the fat, The morning aches in joint and bone With sleep that’s partial, un-profound. Multifarious the pains and ills. And still, the benefits outweigh. So never underestimate sagacity, The knowledge and experience; the knowledge from experience Which only comes from several hundred thousand segments. Several thousand days behind,
Find yourself and who you are. Differentiate the light from dark. See the differences and then unite them. Learn to welcome and not fight them. There are many good things with the after eighty ***.
The Good Things With *** After Eighty 6.2.2019 Circling Round Eros II; Circling Round Ageing; Arlene Nover Corwin