Dots and dashes dits and dahs sending coded messages across 'enemy' lines flung afar muscle memory might mete out this coded message of love for you dearest dear to try work out the mystery is not in what it says rather how it transmits and portrays
this brand new thing new joy for me too in all of my years only now felt for you my dots & dashes, my dits & dahs strives to transmit my love for you dear when passion colludes is message clear I try to reign in but my dashes & dots a mind of their own message garbles lost as the fever kicks in makes my body rock
confusing I'm sure to the dotless mass your love is a Morse code masterclass a language adept secret for thee and me its symbols & ciphers uncovered by you transmuted by words whispered near true and by trembled thigh and shaken knee a new language clearly has been found its mysteries shown love clearly abounds
J,C. Honey-assassin 15/04/2019.
Haha, we have our own codes and 'secret' languages... to communicate our love for one another...