It is what it is you take the rough with the smooth you come from the land of no guarantees imposed problems by the colourless mirages is sanctification of one recognized authentically edifying average merits no attention for lower expectations are mutable what is a man if not the sum of his substance in insubstantial throes we live in interesting times using the flames of dragons as cig lighters owning guts to travel and toil, made gilded mind and a fortress heart It is what it is I have not cried a drip except at death or the loss of deserved enterprise my sweat made me and I make of me what me earned cleanly Unfettered I knew the love of fair maidens who knew the exceptional not a chancer nor a dreamer but he of amazing grace with a purpose more than able to stand shoulder to shoulder with peers yet wit extra courted no shame bore no grievance to each its own lets laissez-faire It is what it is I signed no contract with adversity yet can work within its terms as what it is is what it takes I pay dues never borrower or pilferers so show me my inadequacy what is pain and anguish thrown from it incumbents alien to me when I have sojourned where notables tread and laurels are earned played like a child once and in due I long put away childish things I know no fear, fear fears me for I tame ghosts make them restless