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Feb 2013
Send her a flower.
Send her a dozen.
Send her a card.
Decorate it with many of hearts.
Just send her plenty.
Keep surprising her.
From January to December.

Love has no limitation.

Write her a poem.
And please don't say you don't know how?
Think of a word.
And just go with the flow.

It's the thought that count.
Which every woman should know.

Draw her a picture.
Even if it's a stick man.
Illustrate them with symbols.
Let her feel the magic of your hands.
Keep surprising her.
Remember this is the woman you love.

Make a phone call.
Every hour of the hour.
Inquire if she loved the flowers.
And alert her there's so much more.
Remember this is the woman you love.
Just keep on surprising her.

Relationships is about keeping it new.
Besides keeping it true.
And watch her reaction.
And the things she will do for you.
Keep her happy.
Keep her satified.
Just keep surprising her.
Make her your whole world.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
   Timothy and Brandon Webb
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