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Feb 2013
I feel so alone and helpless at times
Where others see painted nails, tans,
dyed hair I see people and stories. Where
others see laziness and unwilling to do work
It's there fault! They bring it upon themselves!
I can see the sadness, and despair in the words
written on the signs. The heartbreak, the hope
that someone will notice and reach out to them.
Where most people say "its just part of growing up,
It makes them tougher, aw the other kid just has
low self esteem. Just ignore it!" I see a kid being
pushed, pushed around until they can't take it
anymore. Where feeling so low, that not existing is
their answer. Or fighting Self esteem issues, hurting
themselves, never feeling good enough takes over
their lives. Where Other people see another typical  
news story of violence guns and knives. "Let them ****
each other! There stupid animals anyways! Were better
off without them! They don't even try to better themselves!
Its the ghetto who cares!" I see a town failing, a place that
wasn't given the tools to succeed. Teach their children, and
children's children. We just keep making up excuses. Instead
of helping, we put the blame on them.  I try to feel their pain,
walk in there shoes as they say, but I can't. I want to better
understand people. I want to help people not judge. I can never
imagine a world so tough and hard to get ahead.For so many
people just turn the other cheek and don't bat an eye Simply
could care less. Its sad world were all living in. IF only,
IF only my words. Were more,more than lines. Were helping hands.
That could reach out and spread love.Give hope, and dreams to
people hurting inside. I am pouring my heart and soul into these
words. I wish that I had the artistic ability to put magic in these
words. I want them to cure the world of hard ache. To become umbrellas
to keep the drops from falling. To build walls for the homeless. To
give strength to the child who struggles everyday to fit in. I want the
words to be tools. Not just words.My words have no deep
meaning, They are merely wishes. Dreams.  I feel I have failed as a human
because I cannot do more.  We must take hour heads out of our phones,
Put them in the clouds look at the sky. AND PAY ATTENTION.
There is so much more to this world then *** ttyl. More than a status
messages and tweets
But now I just feel so beat
We are in this together.
We must work together.
If we want this world to last
I don't know if this constitutes really as a poem either, just another string of thoughts.
Joanie  Poston
Written by
Joanie Poston
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