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Feb 2013
If you have never been to a music festival,
you are missing out on a great life experience.

Beats are pumping through your blood,
and everyone is united from all backgrounds a places
to share a common love of music.

It's an event to let go and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Many people have the happiest looks on their faces,
but one boy caught my attention.

I was one of the first one hundred people to arrive,
and he stood out, he looked nervous and unsure of why he was there.

We both ended up near the stage, and when the music started to play
and the thousands of people started to sing and dance along with all their hearts,
he just...let it all go.

I had never before seen a face of such pure joy,
and I knew that was a person I wanted to be with.
Thus began my wild story of love at first sight.
I may or may not continue this. Maybe I need to meet the guy first :P
Alice Kay
Written by
Alice Kay  Imagination
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