today i had a thought unbidden but not at all unwelcome centered around something that has made its way into the heart of what we are
It’s been there when I was at my worst when he was at his
It’s been there when we were happy and content
It’s been there when each of us was stressed beyond comprehension
and today the thought came that i wouldn’t mind at all if it was there when we move in together when we make a life together when we share a bed together when we go through losses together when we go through triumphs together
it’ll be there and so will he
whether he carries it in and lays it over me as i struggle to take a breath alone or it’s stuffed in a backpack pulled out when someone gets cold Or it’s at the foot of a bed that we share in the future
out of place in any month but December that Christmas blanket wrapped around the both of us as we face life together and spend the extra time we both tried to give away loving each other each and every day