They were around for maybe 100 thousand years Killing beasts to survive with flint made into spears Regurgitating themselves onto a higher plane each time They claim to have had a God that lived above with light he did shine And a son who some did meet from a book they seem to revel in If you did not believe these truths then forever live in sin From here they spread around the world to places far and wide They believed in being together as husband with his bride Churning up the natural land as their need grew ever stronger Inventing things such as cars and planes and onto what they could ponder This Earth's oils are now low from extract they had to filter The bain of life they did not see now swallowing up all that aorta Chaos and unforeseen destruction now the catalyst for mans end For ****** the planet of its natural wealth is a price man must tend As now it is a quiet sphere which bubbles at its own beauty Seas and plants will kindly grow in a wealth of natural serenity Vanished is the man that put this destruction into first gear As the animals now live in world of motion no doubt in silent cheer