I lay here Beside you Just as you asked Pores thrumming with thoughts Slumber, so sweet Has found you tonight I not so lucky I clutch My own hands together Wandering down The corridors of my mind The carpet is stained And every door closed Some doors I knock upon Knuckles white and bony Other doors I do not even grasp the handle For I know what the oak hides It is of no consequence to me this time There is a door before me With new locks I will not lie And say I do not know the key Wrought metal is an old friend to my fingers It finds itself Between the fingers of my right hand I unbid the lock of her duty Taking all responsibility upon myself My shoulders were meant for such If only my heart Be not so stale Will you join me here In the dark I promise not to yell The raising of my voice Will do nothing for these settled beams I only try to talk With a voice That has not found its sea legs Tossing to and fro Just beseeching to be grounded In honesty To be pulled back Into this ocean of sheets Drowned in such sweet slumber That the moon begs to look upon May the stars guide my soul As well as they do my eyes