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Feb 2013
I could blame you for being here all alone.
Except, I blame myself.
If I've done more to keep you satified and happy.
Then you would be here by my side.

I could accuse you of abandonment.
Since you just up and left.
Except, I must blame myself.

When the picture of disgust was looking me in my face.
I just decided to let it ride.
Hoping deep inside you would chose to stay by my side.

Love isn't hard to give.
And life isn't hard to live.
And happiness isn't hard to achieve.
Which is one of the main reason's you're not with me.

Yes, I blame myself.
I'm man enough to admit this.
And in my heart I miss being kissed.
Yes, I miss all of yours.

More then anything.
I miss your love.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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