Too ignorant and arrogant to appreciate that not all can be plug into their grid slimes in campaign of 'we ****** him up' pontificating buffoons playing Controllers in Chief in the stupefying Cabral of lies, deceits, subterfuge and cons gangland enforcers thinking all abide and susceptible to their wiles
Malignant minds of the murky scums thinks me semblances as them go update your manuals of intimidation practices and dodges a noble blameless mind gives no regards to contemptible dregs deluded morons imagines hijacking mind and distorting unaware that they have impacted contempt and nullified his mind is over the place because imbeciles are mind readers
Altered perceptions, repetitive illusions based on mugs assumptions the failings of homogenized misunderstandings of the anodynes coward bullies think they can soften and mold a perceived ***** the infra dig of scums and nefarious deadbeats drunk on folly selling misinformation and disinformation to fellow simpletons mass delusions and sheep hysteria galvanizing non sensibilities
The fish bone stuck in your diseased throats and I'm in ya face pathetic scums and base cowards, shameless sub-humans are jokes you have lost face and become the majority of asinine disgraceful s working a skirt now discredited and seen by all who try not to see while they behind closed doors talk about those evil pathetic racists You are nothing but racists thieving scums please accept my utmost contempt........