Thick fog has settled deep in the still night pea soup has snuffed out every star bright brought a deep moistened chill to nights air reclused limbs from view no sight to bear legs missing feet and arms missing hands stretched out then lost like misty quicksand
it moves me it stirs me but then most do now since you brought love to me I don't know how to sleep to eat even just to breathe in and out to make my limbs to move me here and about disable basic function but enable me to fly high as my heart soars above thick fog passing all by yes a thick fog descended as my heart ascends feel the wet air brush blind fingers as I transcend mundane and earthly constricts dreaming you pulling wishing willing drawing in my love true to be near you is my freedom my sunnier day no peace for my heart my body until we do lay be so close our breaths to merge bodies touch my darling my honey-bee I love you so much.