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May 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Uncomfortable days
And sleepless nights
He eats their souls
In tiny bites
While promoting the
Supremacy of whites
The kind of controversy
In which he delights

They find themselves
To various things
That he’s addressing
It takes a while for them
To learn their lesson
After they’ve become
One of his possessions

In good time
No one denies
Everything he touches
Eventually dies
Or becomes someone
For him to despise
With reputations tattered

If he’s not Satan,
Who is he then?
A corrupter
Of women and of men
Who swallows their souls
Like only he can
Which his victims
Eventually understand

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Written by
Cedric McClester  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
   Andrew Rueter
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