When you spend your time alone like I have for so long you almost get to the point where small talk is as hard to muster up as a guy asking you for a cig when your 3 short too being empty. Emptyness Like I have things I want to say to people honestly I would'nt mind doing small talk but what happens when you run out of the weather, school, work, and family talk. Your left with just pointless chitter chatter just talking and talking I'm one of those people who would rather sit silent and just watch **** I could really give two ***** about the weather or what people are studying I wanna know the dirt the secrets the lies... in other words the good stuff People seem to say things that people want to ******* here all the time. thats why when I do feel the need to muster up small talk I ask What do you stand for? What do you beleive in? What scares you? What makes you laugh? Who is __(name inserted) thats how you find out about someone thats small talk to me. Anybody can answer a weather or school question but you ask what someones fears are or what morals they have then you'll see the exact person all those meaningless small talk weather conversations are leading up to.