The woman in white was wailing at the gate Her whisps wrapped around the iron bars As though she was shackled in the earth I asked her why She did not hear me over the wind carrying her cries to my unfortunate ears
Is it the coins tinkling in death's pocket I hear Is he coming or does he only watch whispering no words of caution
Broken glass is no good for bare feet I find myself Where I have not tread before This road winds longer on the way down The way up was so steep, yet not as eerie
I felt the push and I ignored the pull Before I even arrived My pulse will thrum and my chest struggle to fill itself with air If only my wisdom ran as deep as my fear
The other woman will come, stand in the window A man will stand beside her, blood on his hands The lights may never stop playing tricks on my eyes They will find in my dreams tonight Let this be the extent of my worries The mutterings of my prayers will not be in vain