I can't help but think this is a curse Day by day it just gets worse All I want is to find myself Trying not to be anyone else And I find myself hoping That maybe one day I'll be different Even though I wake up and I'm the same Am I good enough Am I strong enough Will people accept me Or do I have to fight for love
I am at war with myself Part of me wants to be someone else The other part just wants to run Run and run and run Until I'm free Break loose from these chains and hooks That are tying me down Until I can't breathe
I feel lost I feel broken Hope is slowly slipping And I look up at the sky Hoping for a better life But thankful that I'm alive Maybe someday I'll realize What it truly means to be alive To feel love again And not let it slip away To hold onto it and pray Pray that it stays Maybe someday I'll accept that fact that I can't change Could that do possibly be today