Place of blown minds? Loft and creed in doubt, to never fail? In how and who'm is a relationship to wind Up in a crass tussle with a remote chance at, well...?
The privilege of none, speaking... Here is a rage for phrases and terms in a lion's share To simplify a fate, the knowing of wealth we are reaching For, curiosity's and virtue's in same, if not despair...
What does this have to do with a blown mind? The fight you are about to have, with a sour idea Made in the care and fortitude of real enough emphasis and time To share the candor of silences for a digression into mercy, majority and me...?
Anything else before I inherit a bruise? Yes, the sound of your voice, where a lover has a call To know a tastes treasure and a lucid youth Does this mean we are a tribute in the open, hearing the risk of all?
Ask again, who did what... And know a fear in the thanks and issue of a family to save The notion of courage and distance to exact hope in the fame of love? Are we still the neglect of posing life's question, or is a rued thought ours to name?
Don't try it as yet, for your love is a handsome aren't... In the midst's of composure and the mystique of passion to come Won't the clever be, the same we know or the count of shame, by far Be a recognized kiss in the dread we have for each other, or, are we simply talking about home?
Too positive for an original answer? See the name of potential become the rise of possibility Let with the rhyme and reason of presence, to have the music to serve... A history of seldom to views of every day call to us, a richer patience for what is our, shrewdness's hospitality?