I have this special place I go,
Each morning when I rise.
And watch the brilliant sun appear,
Such pleasure for my eyes.
It beams between two branches,
Each from a different tree.
That mingled many years ago,
And here's what else I see..
Glimmering patterns of spiders' webs, spun...
So carefully.
Beams of light on a moistened field, fall...
So perfectly.
Many shades of green and yellow,
Moss hanging from a tree.
The most beautiful place on earth,
That is what I see.
I have this special place I go,
Every morning I hold dear.
And listen to all of natures' sounds,
So pleasing to the ear.
A variety of peaceful chatter,
Some are far and some are near.
All the carefree birds and beasts,
And here's what else I hear........
The cacophony of a thousand birds,
Hoping new friends to make.
The ******* bark of a distant dog,
Coaxing men to wake.
The frenzied crackles of leaves and twigs,
As the squirrels play chase.
When I close my eyes and just simply listen,
That's what I hear in this place.
I have this special place I go,
No other I love as much.
Where I can take a needed break,
And I can surely touch,
My souls' own piece of heaven,
Where I can sit or I can kneel.
And have peace wash right over me,
And here's what else I feel.....
A crisp, cool breeze to refresh...
My mind.
The soothing warmth of the sun...
So kind.
The occasional teasing,
From a misguided bee.
Tiny hairs on my neck,
Lightly tickling me.
An absolute serenity;
Throw all my worries away.
There is no better way or place,
That I wish to start each day.
Soon, the heartbeat of the world,
Beckons me from this place.
And reluctantly I must turn to go,
But with a smile on my face.