In my youth. I probably paid no attention to it. As an adult, I sometimes questioned all of it.
The reasons. The logic to why people are bigots. I've yet to see why?
The Klans. Their logic is based on stupidity. The Aryans Nation. Their stupidity is based around irrational thinking too. The Nazis during their height made no sense. And this included black militants or any other race.
I've yet to see the reasons for the hate.
Most intimidate their own race to join by threats to them. And a majority is ALWAYS based around the stupidity of a man. The destructors of God greatest land.
But within all groups. There's always a plant. Not a traitor. But a person with a heart.
Who have finally seen that this isn't the work of God?
A bigot is a fool. And if they have a spouse. Then they are too.
Who has yet to see? A good person will find ways to forgive you.