In the day before yesterday This world was a different place There were folk not met Lives not changed People not hurt In the day before yesterday My life was a different place
Rules had to be broken to break the release This world needed freedom It needed the bold My mind had this theory that all becomes one How wrong was my outlook How wrong was my wrong
I met the world as i traveled through time I changed all the rules I changed all the lines The barriers of life just fell to the way I opened the eyes of the world Break free for this day
They came for me They hunted me down They wanted my life They wanted my crown
The powers that be decided my fate The day of the past day's Was racing for me The turn to the right when i shoulda turned left The end of my world here All hidden in breath Your life is now changed as read his you have Your part of my history Part of my past I hope that your liken to be part of me Google my life here Set me the free