Tamed by the sight? Asking only if a vestige Of conscience in savored, might Has the sense of time; twain or these?
Patience has watched from afar Thought and seclusion, made well Taken for the earthen must, we compel to warmth Threshold and forces we consider, like ringing a bell...
Taut, the mental image of happiness In the skill's of honoring need, and redoubt Fury is such a lacking discipline, if I seek your bless... Truth in its is and does, a witness act upon now?
How in the let, baring all... The rued and the soon, to wish we were a power Of simplicity in the many, and the salt we favor for halt Of a crush of existence that has come with sameness's lover
Charisma, equaling stead Or the turn of silence into a proper ask of a friend The life of arduous more, sought in the compliment of ahead Will the hope of significance make us a soul worth amends?
Portion And the decency to know A finish of compromise's risen devotion Will a happy kind, save our all, for the deed's we owe?