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Apr 2019
NO, NO, NO,.....emmm.....I won't tell
No, you know that was a joke, of course I know your name
but honestly, I'm serious now
we both know the score and we're turning the tables
I will not say a word about out texts this time
You called me a liar, now I will be a good liar
Not a word breathe to anybody body
Yes, even that one too, I promise you
NO, I've heard nothing from him, no, nothing at all
I'll look them in the eye and just tell them that
Of course, they'll believe me, I'm a sister remember!

If you tell I'll know very soon
you know they need to believe they have all on board
and think they play my mind, by letting me know this
so if you repeat all our exchanges
they'll make **** sure I know immediately
I am not suppose to trust anyone again...

Come on, listen I've given you my word
I know them too remember, even more so now
I don't believe how they could know so much about me
now I know how evil these lot are, these ******* arseholes
yes, yes, I should stop swearing, you don't like that
NO, NO, NO...emmm I won' t reveal a thing
I'll delete it all now, yes I won't forget
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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