They said you wanted a maid That you were born with a silver spoon that you have a sense of Entitlement and every had come easy to you so I must be as difficult as possible that I should treat you mean told me you'll come and cling on to me they said you were broke and would soon start borrowing they said you were violent and a Dictator that you will start dominating me cause you're a Chauvinist Pig They said your style was Treat them mean to keep them keen Those ******* liars were so convincing Now I see what their aims were but I can't let them know I see their evil machinations I just played along because I was overwhelmed by them You said their game was 'divide and rule you said they just wanted to isolate you with smears and character assassination You were right all along these are evil people I thought I knew that all along But the Devil tells the best story they say......... those sick lying ******* even call themselves The Red Devils Now I can see how they really hate a successful black man