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Apr 2019
When I thought about you and me
as one, the light of your soul
interconnecting with mine, the stars
aligned with the moon and the
celestial inventions above,
I wanted your existence even more.  
I wanted to feel my flesh
dive under your world and uncover
all the mysteries that lied within
your nation, to move my hands
gently across your bronze skin
and seep inside your stillness,
seep inside your bones of intense
rhythms, veins of high rises and
starry delight, sensual shoulders
reaching up towards the sky,
sleek dimensions and angled shapes,
jazzy chests and rocking *******,
smooth hairs of infinite surprises,
the planets coming alive inside
your captivating masterpiece,
the wheels of your hips merging
next to mine, brown feet
resting peacefully on my thighs
like the cool rising seas in the
night.  I wanted to ride inside
your mountain of timeless labyrinths,
explore the tunnels of your life,
following the streams of your
seamless engine, arriving at deep climaxes
and hot sweaty passion.  You were someone
that I loved, someone to call home as I
drifted inside your arms, my eyes
marveling at the bright countryside,
your thin fingers like musical melodies
playing inside my cells, like city lights
illuminating my frame.  You were a galaxy
of midnight jams, another galaxy
of drumbeating rhymes shimmering in the
moonlight, a brilliant destination, a scenic
cityscape, a serene place where I could escape.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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