misplaced keys end up in the space between dusty floorboards under forgotten childhood beds squeezed into far away nooks in attics filled with hundreds of burnt out lightbulbs in houses with endless doors and not one single doorknob
i find myself within them when i drift off under the universe i wake with aching legs for i can't stop hunting, though i fear i'll never find the secret passageway i'm sure lurks beneath a stairway or perhaps beyond a fireplace
there is a certain key that i seek and although i can't recall it's shape, or color, or size, once it is in the palm of my hand i will know it because it will fit within my fist, which just so happens to be the size of my beating vessel
i'll take that old, rusting key and ever so delicately stick it in the depths of my chest i'll hear the creaking and cracking and feel the sensation of a sleeping beast awakened and i will rise knowing that i no longer have to wander this wild world alone