I am a summer child, eyes blazing like the sun when it’s closest to the earth. My heart is the meaning of love stimulated by its left ventricle. The ocean is my home. I dwell in the tides of a life known and unknown to humanity. I am God’s child. With gentle hands he molded me, the summer child. Summer probed me, until she found me in my mother’s womb. And then she met me late July, when I dangled free from her legs. Here I am a bundle of glee. I love the rain in the winter and butterflies that kiss the leaves of trees. I climb mountains that finger the sky. I fall in love at every chance, ravenous for its fruits. I yearn to savor its sweet juices that flow from starved lips. I hate the sun. Why can’t I be the one to give the sky a warm embrace? Why can't I give the ocean a blue blanket? Oh, how wonderful it must be to give the world some light. I say Yes to world peace. We will never have peace, so just give me a piece of sunshine. I love the color blue. It reminds me of the sky that turns her nose up at the world below her. I am peace, joy and the love that touches ones heart. I am the sun, the ocean, the sky and the butterfly that rest inconspicuously on your shoulder.