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Apr 2019
Husky whispers
of her voice
resounding with
the echoes
of the cave.
She sounded so
close but yet
so faraway.
The whisk of
her scent
i caught.
Moving down
the lane quickly
to find her.
The breeze
blowing to bring
her scent to
my senses.
She smells
of jasmine and
of lilac.
Whiffed like a
hunting dog
i hurried faster
to get her.
Confident of
my steps on
the narrow path,
i steadied my
self on the
willow tree.
Bracing myself,
i ran down
the ***** towards
the west end
of the valley
where she lay
down as if sleeping,
i picked her up
not minding the
wet velvet red
gown on her.
She may be royal
because of the
golden bracelet and
the signet gold ring
on her finger.
A sigh of
relief she muttered
as she held
so tightly
onto my shoulders.
And up
i went towards
the hills to
get her home.
As the trickling
rain shower woke
the sleeping beauty.
Quietly she opened
a beautiful yet
veiled face and
peeped at me
for the first time
through the dark wet
hair that stuck
on her face.
With a subtle smile
on her face,
she gazed up
at me and
her lips moved,
she whispered softly,
as she says,
thank you.
And that is enough.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme
Written by
Emeka Mokeme  M/Nigeria
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