Sensory overload beyond the household of management manipulations and electromagnetic chemistry clipped the soul tethered from the body
Wandering ghosts starving 9-5 consumption in cubicles, the constraints of creativity until it draws all that energy away from the body electric numb and out of touch
This what the machine wants from us for the metaphors they never got in a logical world where they did away from the imagination
Paint it as you see it not as you feel it until the truth vanished completely Absorbed in a high anxiety setting perpetuating paranoia to consume the minds eye and we all just wanna relax we just can’t relax
Without the worry or the threat of survival and the capitol nuisance Blood is running money Blood is running money It’s so so tragically funny I cut myself open center stage ****** up but it be like that All the time It seems I’m waiting for the prime That evades me before it’s too late
I wrote this to evade a panic attack at work. I was so overwhelmed the only thing I could do is break away and write