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Feb 2013
You know you’re cuddly, when people who don’t like cats hug you,
He knows it all too well,
I found him by the roadside, all shriveled and tiny,
He was really tiny, with tiny teeth and tiny paws,
But with the loudest meow, I have ever heard,
It was surprising no one else had picked him up.
I took him home, cleaned him up, and fed him milk from a nippled bottle.
He grew in the coming weeks, months and years;
His tiny pouch now bigger than all his other body parts combined;
So, of course I panicked when he disappeared last week,
And plastered everywhere, on every tree, pole and fence
             Valentine is Missing,
             Cuddly, Dark Brown, blue eyes,
             Cute and Handsome combined!
I put up a pic of me and Valentine and since then the phone has not stopped
Apparently, many thought the cuddly one was me,
And that I was missing so a neighborhood search was carried out for which I joined
‘Coz I thought it was for my cat Valentine;
It was an old pic and I had lost 30lbs since; so no one recognized me from the pic
So, it was with awkwardness I approached the neighborhood watch chief
And thanked him for all he was doing and told him it would help if we all held some cat food in our hands.
That’s when the chief looked at me and almost yelled, “What the ****, Valentine is a cat??!!!”
Good news: We did find Valentine - He was sitting on the roof trying to catch a mynah bird which of course he didn't 'coz the bird's too fast and he's too fat!
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