Standing at the lookout of Mt Scopus We heard our loved begotten say “I do” As they joined in love as one For none to put asunder
Gazing upon the Shepherd’s field We heard the angels saying There is a new King born to rule Who is the prophet’s Messiah
Treading carefully in Bethlehem We heard a baby’s wailing cry And his ****** mother in a lullaby Knowing he was the chosen one
Discovering Magdala’s uncovered ruins We heard the broken bleeding woman say If I may but touch the hem of his garmet Our Saviour saying “who touched me”
In flowered repose at the hillside cave We heard his voice teaching Chosen apostles and us only hoping A mustard seed’s weight of faith
Walking the Via Delarosa alleyway We heard wood scraping stones And heavy, exhausted breaths Jesus bearing our burdens
Sitting beneath Christ's Thorn Jujube We heard blood dripping to the ground And a loud cry of mortal agony Why have thou forsaken me
In sight of the ground near Golgotha We heard heckles of laughter, lots cast Time standing still And finally the words “It is finished”
Near the rich man’s guarded tomb We heard the stone roll back For use as an angel’s seat Revealing only the linen cloth left behind
Sitting near the Garden tomb We heard our most innocent one say I am the only way, to enter the gates You must become like me
Buried in the flowing Jordan River We heard the Lord say You are now mine, arisen anew We heard the angels singing
Gazing upon the Golden Dome We heard the Lord say Forgive them For they know not what they do
Standing upon the heart stones We heard the Lord say Upon this rock I will build my church Beginning the new covenant way
Standing close to Peter’s hiding place We heard the denial thrice Then heard the loud **** crow Hoping for us it would not crow twice
At the second century baptismal We heard bells ringing Proclaiming the salvation we And early Jews found in his blood
In the synogogue We heard the sound of his voice With those in amazement saying Is this not Joseph’s son?
Stumbling the stones of Korazim We heard the voice of Jesus saying Woe unto you, your fate is worse than ***** or Gomorrah
Wandering a Roman cardo Maximus We heard the voice of a Christian Singing Something About a Mountain And heard us and angels in applause
Walking the obstacle maze of memories We heard the voices of 6 million saying From the ovens and chambers Never again, Never again
Sailing on the Sea of Galilee We heard the red, white, and blue say As it flew with the blue and white star We are your friend, Oh Israel
Scaling the heights of Masada We heard the rebels shouting To the assaulting Roman Legion You cannot take our freedom
Sitting in stillness under the olive tree We heard the voice of God Saying “I am” There is no other
Strolling the seashell shores of Galilee We heard waves lapping at eternity’s silence Knowing we will live wearing the crown Sitting next to the throne
Looking within our hearts We heard ourselves saying Forgive me Lord, I have sinned But have found Victory in Jesus