I had nicotine flowing through my veins instead of blood last night Indonesian cigarettes and grape vape juice does that you Living becomes a case study on the fine line Of your body and mind being both asleep and awake
I saw your face four times last night Once under the dim lights of the outside of the bar We smoked and you complained about how men make you feel Once in the darkness of the bar, only being lit little by little by disco ball reflections We drank and smoked Ares cigarettes and you told me to hurt your feelings Once in the convenience store lights We never really went in but the lights were bright enough to see the sadness in your eyes After I did hurt you; and
Once in my car where you cried and I pleaded Where I cried and you looked away Where I told you I cared Where I told you I loved you But you wouldn't believe anything I told you Where I saw the fires in your eyes reduce to embers and then into ashes
I brought you home and I went home With the cold McDonald's that I bought to try to make us feel better And I stopped for a moment on the side of the street To try to fill my already aching stomach Everything tasted burnt