Drink up but begin to cut off Alcoholism upon every glass Depression can add to the drink It takes counseling through a shrink Many Alcoholics will sometimes be in denial An Alcoholic must be honest and truthful in knowing that they are an Alcoholic It’s not easy to quit But there is a strategy that would fit extensive and that’s counseling The Alcoholic would learn how to cope but along with everything else, there is also hope The idea is to help see Alcohol as a poison and step away Alcoholism is tougher if the Alcoholic doesn’t make the effort to become sober Alcohol only ages you to look older But there are many factors that cause Alcoholic’s to drink Things that happened in their childhood Prevention being hard to reach in could Having stress in the current that started in the past Another idea is the craving for Alcohol beyond one’s means Let the truth must be told To move away from Alcohol, the Alcoholic must be bold The Motto is, “It takes time and is extensive, and you will be able to push away and you will be ok, but for the method to truly work, “It’s Alcohol to move astray”.