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Mar 2019
One more trapdoor to drop through,
you can call it a day, but you know what I mean.
(the gurgles you make when your back starts to break)

Wednesday is not a day to smile about,
it's a criminal heist and the police should smoke it out,
talk about the **** day, it's a run and take a jump day.

The Jubilee jaunt.

Prophets haunt this line
spout off religion,

I'm thinking it's time
to put
my headphones on.

Lots of headscarves today
looks like a Hilda Ogden
or something from a Joe Orton

She's using Maybelline
another scene?
cheeks now rosy
nose still shiny,
he looks on
lady gets on
with a shipping trunk
she must be lost
or looking for
gets off at the
next station
( London Bridge )
probably drunk
might have been better.

I need a holiday
a hideaway
even a takeaway,
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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