You wear only black You're angry You lock yourself away
You wear only black to hide in the shadows that others have placed you in You're angry because you've been hurt deeply by a man who is suppose to teach you forgiveness You lock yourself away in your room to keep anyone else from hurting you
You wear only black You're a storm cloud If I know anything about Storm Clouds, It's that they end in remarkable rainbows Paintings of God across our skies
You're angry You've got emotion to scar people for years That kind of power can be harnessed For smiles that may last centuries Your smile can be harnessed Like diamonds in a valley of roses
You lock yourself away The tiger you used to pretend to be when you were younger Is scratching at the padlock You're defiant and rebellious Calm, silent, remarkable Your stripes are unique and vibrant Show them to the world For cats remain on leashes Tigers are the queens of jungles Rule your kingdom You beautiful beast