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Mar 2019
Famous or infamous...a worldly stance,
hungering for that magical dance;
Bereft of love one chases the crown,
but often the planet turns upside down.

While followed by interloping sycophants,
honored with glory and financial status;
You're digging a hole within your heart,
still desperately clinging to sanity's part.

Then watching it all simply disappear,
when those 'hungry' folks retreat to the rear;
An abundance of riches had ruled before,
now there's no path to settle the score.

Gone are all your family and friends,
who would have remained until the end;
But they were cast out by your very hand,
was this the life you truly had planned ?

Well now you can feel the limelight's curse,
depicting how life could grow so terse;
You're shining one day then fading the next,
for sadly, the reign of fame disconnects.
A cautionary tale...with success comes money and power...but don't lose sight of your humble roots !
Written by
Frances E McClelland  Hamilton, NJ
(Hamilton, NJ)   
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