Come these never ending tales of war has took its toll in all of us. where freedom was compromised, false judgement was thrown at us.
I adhere to correct them all without burning bridges on opposite tail ends. as people misunderstand with their small minds, I Stand oppressive until this strong bark bends.
Let me free your harrased mind, despite of these known inequalities. Please Pardon me for my words, we all want to end this in tranquility
we are intelligent just enough to know our selves, our needs and wants just hidden inside our chests knowing that all these months, I've scratched your back, I hope you'll do the same in this wicked test.
You've all wore this masks, battle faced, I am amused I became the villain. this was never the same scenario where I am lost and I've abstained.
I can never guide your rituals. come as you are, friends? you've all grown up and matured for this. I have got no plans to ****** my belongings.
It is your choice. you got all of these. I never wished to betray nor consider you all in the past. but what I've felt it gives me sorrow. to know that I am not part of your tomorrow.
Never wanting to compromise but there's a feeling that I've been sacrificed. I am raising the white flag. but leaving all of you will be a throw of a dice