Why won't he call? I sit against the wall why can't he just love me? I sit under this tree I dwell and I dwell and I'm in circles of hell my mind is so scattered my heart is so shattered all I do is think of him when will our love begin? Then there came light at first it was slight and I tried to fight comfort in dark alone in a park isolation my home curled up in my tomb selfish desires sought it was love so I thought but that light it shined in and it showed me my sin wanting and wanting my thoughts he was haunting so I gave up my quest and went after this test love, what is this thing? isn't it an engagement ring? isn't it hugs and kisses? and calling yourself Mrs? the way he looks at you cuddles when feeling blue? friend at all times partner in crimes? but no, this voice said that's all in your head it's patient and kind not him reading your mind it lifts the other up high even if it means saying goodbye it's not in competition humility is the mission and when things go wrong "I told you so's" not the song the truth love cannot hide nor push to be his bride love is always protecting not selfishness projecting jealousy is not here perfect love drives out fear and hope never ends and your way always bends perseverance is committed even if love is unrequited For true love never dies and it never tells lies But there is no pain when real love is the gain so I gave up my heartache for something most mistake I gave up my crying and all my dumb trying fear and love aren't the same with real love there's no game