When it's a culture of boy meets girl and boys says after a drink or two do you wanna? and girl giggles and replies 'No' and boy says 'oh com'on, you know you wanna' and girl replies 'oh, OK, com'on then'
It's becomes easier to understand why our friends believe so much in their 'planting seeds' antics because for them it's the only game they know being sheeps in a Nanny State where independent thoughts are rare
In their world, rare is the girl that says 'get lost' 'I don't know you enough for that sort of thing' 'No way, I am not here to be picked up for cheap thrills' 'Are you crazy, what type of a girl do you take me for' 'What makes you think I wanna be a mum just yet' 'Am I wearing a badge that reads Harlot' 'say that again and you'll get a back-hander' and the list goes on and on about other possible answers
So because of their mindlessness where rational thinking is so rarely deployed and the first though that jumps in their empty minds applies These vacuous minds imagine other people are like them so you have blinded one-track minded semi-illiterates dropping seeds of doubts or whatever in confident erudite mind as if their malicious prejudiced wrong and inaccurate opinions matters a jot
Yes, get on then, you know you want to plant some more seeds Go on, you know you can't help it You know you can't resist.......