There is a love I so desperately seek I will never stop searching for it To find the other half of my heart The half that makes my soul sing My missing puzzle piece
There will be one That begins where I end And dreams the same dreams Who can envision what I see Who understands my insanity Yet grounds me and keeps me sane
I want the companionship of a best friend The protection of a father The intense passion of a lover A soul mate For life
I don't seek material things Someone to grow old with Enjoy the days and nights with A hand to hold until the end When we temporarily say until we meet again
No road is easy Of this I am sure But knowing you are right beside me Fighting the fight I promise you I will never give up On you, me, or us
When I find him I will simply ask Will you Walk with me through this life Share with me all you have to give Hand me your heart
If you say yes I vow to you I will protect your heart for an eternity And even that won't be long enough To be with you
My promise to you Is to love you Honor you Be a 50/50 partner On this journey of our life
I knew one day I would find you My life is now complete Take my hand, my love And let's take the first steps Of our beautiful life