She came through a dimensional portal A fictional Character My Bonnie was flashed to her "Clyde" In a world in which she did not belong We are both mortal We shall stand together and fight until our deaths. To remain, true to our bonds of love and honor. Although she was once "unreal. she is "real" now Even if those skeptic wonder , "how?" The other popped through the same flashed gate The "Dillinger" that was the policewoman named "Kim" tried to end a "great thing" on a whim. We drew out our swords we fought the "law" we kicked her in the "jaw." She ran back to an area, safe, away from us. The Two of us "Bonnie and Clyde" Jumped a bus We find another area to live free and start a family Free of this "law" that almost ended the two of us. A freshly written start of a new eternity. A family name Full of Electricity.