Themes of survived angel's? Which in ought, order's and opportunity Save the mention of silence, with dread little? Is a reaching gift to upheaval, for the sourness of cunning?
Panic in a solemn justice With the language of veracity to attest? A new life of simplicity, to exact argued realization Of proper manner's and the dole of seclusive lest...
Fancy words, for hello how are you? Minus the tender kinds and humanity of solitude for youth? The waiting and harboring of sincerity as when we couldn't... Strange or strength is a logic best served to innocence as a clue
To decisions And the inner most desires of having a life adding want's Is the complexity of substitution for a pronounced, intimation? Of what was a count of distances as a shrewdness is, or love...
Crying that overcomes the share in shame, we don't need... But a harmony of ideas and courage entailing, a risen smile That has a wholeness in mind, is a blessing we save for requiem lead To decency and predilection's guidance of a habit we seek, for justice all the while
So went wrong, why the defensive glare? Pain, and its potential as moments; a zealous need To longevity is given a reach and a presence to care Having the distinction of being, the call to hope, we save for heed...
A baby with misery to know and hopeful duress taken to worth... Is it also a prayer? Minds blown and the invigoration of other's to compliment certainty Yes, the toil of omnipresence of a soul's affinity of when we share...
Baby goo goo, and soon liberty would, with you too...