Searching for words That express my feelings Getting lost in memories of a sweet kiss The only words slipping through my lips Are I love you, and I love you true...
Met you once and got enhanced Met you twice and lost my heart Never thought a stranger could leave me breathless Yet the unforeseen did happen Leaving me mesmerized in a romantic bliss
Of all things I ever desired I found you to be everything I wanted Before I could even realize You turned out to be the sunshine That brought in never-ending joy to my life
You are my beacon of hope You are the one I fantasize about I don't know why I need you so bad The only reason I can give Is I love you, and I love you true...
Shattered into a zillion pieces You mended my heart as if by magic My heart no longer feels the pain It just grows fonder day by day Getting intoxicated by your love
Poet, I am not Yet I try to weave a verse My thoughts creating a ruckus Just to let you know That I love you, and I love you true...