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Feb 2013
In the light of another sun
much brighter than this one
there no darkness is ever seen
as the mind of thought is clean.

When the ladder is climbed to that domain
what any go there with except love is vain.
Everything else may or can exist below
which is only what this light does show.

There is the Radiance of Pure Being
the like of which few are ever seeing.
A very rare experience by actual sight is had
as the mind is bewildered but the soul is glad.

Intellect and reason have been left behind
as all else except to that light one is blind.
Intuition or direct perception is the means
whereby the mind at its own source gleans.

Any limitations and divisions there don’t exist
only the effulgence of True Light does persist.
Though we receive light and warmth from the stars, moon and sun
all the light in the universe put together can’t ever equal That One.

Could it be That from which all of existence flows
as time and space by mind’s true reflection shows
and whatever seen here is the becoming of That which forever is;
in tangible finite shape or form a manifestation of The Infinite is?

The Radiance of Pure Being is also the essence of everyone’s soul
and so is seen after self effort and grace have performed their role.
To live through all of our days in life and be ignorant of That Light
isn’t what any of us have been born for in this world or given sight.
This poem is based on an experience vouchsafed to me when staying in the ashram of Swami Muktananda at a place called Ganeshpuri near Bombay (now called Mumbai) back in 1978 for a month. - From the unpublished book "The Seeds Of Life" compiled in 1996.
Written by
George Krokos  72/M/Melbourne, Victoria, Aust
(72/M/Melbourne, Victoria, Aust)   
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